Learn how to re-create this Summer story scrapbooking layout in the comfort of your own home. We are in the midst of a beautiful summer downunder, so I’m busy taking summer photos, and recording beautiful memories, beginning with this summer story scrapbooking layout. Of course, you don’t need to be in the midst of summer to have summer photos to record – I’m sure most of you would be able to say that you have at least one summers’ photos yet to scrapbook. Or one summers’ story to tell? Am I right?!! Here’s a really simple but stunning summer story scrapbooking layout. This is actually the ‘intro’ page to more detailed pages of all these summer events. You’ll see I’ve not finished the layout either – because it’s still summer, so I know I’m going to have some more great memories to put on this page. Creating the Summer Story scrapooking layout yourself Let me share a few of the ideas used to create this layout. To start, I’ve added a bit of ‘texture’ to the background, by splatting a bit of ‘lagoon’ shimmer pen. To create the pen, I added drops of ‘lagoon’ ink into a clear shimmer brush, […]
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